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Archive for August, 2009

New Look Website

August 22nd, 2009 by Kieran in Announcements

Welcome to the new look RouterTech website!

It might take a short while to find your way around the new layout if you are a regular but by and large things are laid out in a similar way. If you are a newcomer we hope the site will in fact be easier to use than the old one; we’ve consolidated a lot of content into specific pages and moved things out from the forum that really should have been on pages.

Regulars will be delighted to note that we have embraced the new version of phpBB and so are now packing a huge punch when it comes to user features – we hope you find them as useful from a user perspective as we do as staff.

Small points about the design will probably be in a state of flux over the next few weeks but generally we don’t intend to mess with things too much so we hope your experience will be a trouble free and positive one.

If you’re reading this you will have found our new blog and we encourage you to subscribe to this as a means of quickly finding out what is going on with our software and also in the world of home routing generally.

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